Cub Scouts (8-10.5)
Become a Cub Scout and try new things, master skills, have fun, go on adventures and make friends.
Find out more about being a Cub and about awards and badges here.
Key Events and Activities
Every pack has their own programme of events which is supplemented throughout the year by larger District and County events like special activity days, challenges and competitions and District and County Camps.
If you’d like to see some of the things we do, like our Facebook page – Chorley District Cubs
Chief Scout Silver Awards Night
Every February all the Cubs who have achieved their Chief Scout Silver Award over the past 12 months is celebrated at our Chief Scout Silver Awards Night where they all receive a District Certificate for their hard work with their parents and leaders. It is great to see so many Cubs work so hard and achieve the highest award available to them which is something that only 10% of Cub Scouts achieve nationally. This year we had a record number of over 70 Cubs receiving their awards. This is more than double the national average.