Adult Volunteers
Adult Volunteer - Register Interest
Scouting in Chorley District is made possible by our amazing team of adult volunteers, ranging from Beaver Leaders to Explorer Leaders to various management team members and occasional helpers.
We also have non uniformed adults running our Executive Groups who help administer the groups leaving our uniformed adults free to concentrate on the scouting skills and activities.
To support adults in Scouting, the Association provides a comprehensive programme of training to build on existing skills and knowledge and develop new competencies. Some elements of training can count towards externally recognised qualifications, and within the movement there are also awards to recognise dedication to training and outstanding service.
Our Adult Volunteers have the responsibility of running their section and allowing the young people to make the most out of their Scouting adventure, at the same time having an adventure themselves. Being an Adult Volunteer also offers the chance to build on personal skills, like teamwork, confidence and leadership. A study found that over 90% of the volunteers in the Scouting movement believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives.